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Not every car accident will result in a personal injury lawsuit. There are some situations where you can deal with the car insurance company on your own. Still, others might require the assistance of a personal injury attorney to ensure that you aren’t taken advantage of.
Minor Accidents
If you were in a minor accident with no injuries or only very minor injuries, then it probably isn’t necessary to consult a personal injury attorney. Other examples of straightforward cases include: There is nothing, such as a fault or preexisting medical conditions, that the insurance company is investigating.
If the other driver is obviously at fault or has admitted guilt, you need a personal injury attorney. Insurance companies benefit from offering you the lowest possible compensation after an accident. Because of this, there are some instances when you should hire an attorney, such as when: There are serious injuries or fatalities, there are insurance issues, or you aren’t sure the insurance company is fair. The other driver was partially at fault. There is an investigation into the accident. There is an investigation into any preexisting medical conditions you are unsure about in the statute of limitations. It has been almost a year since your accident.
When Dealing With An Insurance Adjuster
Many people choose to try to initially settle a claim with the insurance company on their own, then later decide to enlist the help of a personal injury attorney. You should always try to handle all negotiations with the insurance company in writing. Many insurance adjusters will call you on the telephone to discuss your claim. Avoid coming to any agreements regarding a settlement over the phone, and be careful of what you say to the adjuster. If you speak to the adjuster over the phone, have all the pertinent documentation about your accident in front of you for reference. The paperwork you should have included: The police report from the accident, pictures of the damage to cars or property, pictures of all injuries, medical bills, and other expenses incurred because of the accident. Having the information right there can help ensure you have all the facts in front of you and that you don’t misstate anything. The information you need when talking to a claims adjuster is the same as the information you should bring if you decide to meet with a personal injury attorney. Whether you choose to hire a personal injury attorney to help you with your car accident case or not, there are several things you should be aware of to protect yourself. While most car accidents are minor fender-benders, you should consider consulting with a personal injury attorney if there are any complicating factors. This article is for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please contact an attorney in your local area for more information about car accidents.