Burn injuries can result from many different types of burn accidents and can be fairly common, especially in Motor Vehicle Accidents. Any type of burn injury caused by a burn accident is extremely serious in nature and are often fatal as thousands of people die every year as a result of being burnt to death in an accident of some kind.
Anyone who has suffered a serious burn injury should immediately contact an attorney for a free legal consultation so that they know and understand their legal rights and the obligations that the liable parties may be legally obligated to have as a result of their negligence or intentional conduct.
Retaining An Attorney After Your Accident Which Caused Burn Injuries
Financial recompense after a serious burn accident may not restore one’s life to its former condition, but it can bring a tremendous relief by covering medical costs, possible cosmetic surgeries and loss of lifestyle due to the injury. Our experienced Attorneys understand the law and have obtained tens of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. We fight for the rights of injury victims to receive the maximum compensation they are entitled to after any serious injury caused by someone’s negligent or intentional conduct.
Do I Need a Burn Injury Attorney After an Accident?
Serious accidents routinely result in burn injuries, which if they do not cause death, can cause years of pain, permanent disfigurement and scarring, and can totally affect a person’s quality of life. If the burn scarring is viable and/or causes a significant impairment of bodily range of motion, burn injuries often cause severe emotional trauma and lasting anguish which can eclipse the former confidence and personality of the victim.
What Are the Most Common Accidents the Cause Burn Injuries?
Car Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Trucking or 18-Wheeler Accidents
Construction Accidents
On-the-Job Accidents (especially to Fireman, Police, and Military Personnel)
Toxic Chemical Spills and Industrial Accidents
Usually, a burn injury is caused by being the victim of some serious motor vehicle accidents where a vehicle’s fuel spills out as a result of the collision and catches fire burning the drivers and passengers.
What Are Typical Physical and Emotional Damages Caused By Burns?
Accidents that result in serious Burn injuries can include the following physical and mental damages:
Visible facial burns or head burns,
Vision loss,
Hand burns damaging skin,
Loss of muscle and motor-skill controls
Inability to sit, walk or wear normal clothing
Permanent scarring necessitating years of painful follow-up surgeries, skin grafting and other medical treatments for cosmetic and functional repair.
Contact our Burn Injury Attorney for experienced and aggressive legal representation for the legal assertion of your rights over any burn injury accident.